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Continuous strip lighting system ideal for offices and general lighting

Linear systems LINE

The design lighting is the guarantee of a better space experience, for it the lighting becomes minimalist in tune with the architecture and the current aesthetics.

With the creation of Line, Lledó gives way to minimalism made lighting, lines of light that provide all the light performance in a minimum width of light output.

The LINE family of linear systems is born as a current need for evolution between a minimalist design of the “less is more” and a technological evolution in the world of lighting, this leads us to compress all our technical specifications in a narrow light output .

Our Line experience can be said to have as its main seed of ICELINE development, a luminaire that was born to build continuous light lines without profile interruption or luminous continuity, thanks to our great capacity to adapt to the different projects that are presented to us.

With these premises of a product that serves both for retail, offices or residential, it is decided to go from a light output of 50mm to a light output of 17 mm LINE 17 to start up to reach a light output of 60 mm LINE 60 .

Make any type of project, whether residential, retail or offices with the same product family Lledó.

Line 17

Size 17 mm

Line 25

Size 25 mm

Line 40

Size 40 mm

Line 50

Size 50 mm

Construction of continuous lines without shadows

The LED experience is transformed into a line of light with contemporary design, combining functionality and aesthetics that allow new spaces to be configured.
The linear lighting system for suspended, recessed or recessed ceiling installation LINE 50 is available in single length sections or for continuous line installation using alignment pieces, incorporating the most advanced optical system.
The high transmittance of the diffuser makes the series a direct radiation system suitable for illuminating by providing a line of diffuse light ice on our heads.
Iluminación de Áreas comunes.


Torre Rioja an example of Sustainable Offices

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